

In LIMAYJA SECURITY you can find a wide variety of products and services for all security needs.

Our services:

The products we work with are supplied by manufacturers with enviable reputation, national and international, that meet the most rigorous standards of selection and quality.

See us come to our store and let our professionals advise on your choice. They are abreast of the latest market trends and the needs of all types of customers. Here you will find articles and services more appropriate for your company.

We have products to suit all tastes at competitive prices.

You can find us on:
Friedrich Engels Street, No. 23 A - Coconut Luanda - Angola,+Ingombota,+Luanda,+Angola&ie=UTF8&hl=pt-PT&geocode=FUWFef8dM9PJAA&split=0&hq=&hnear=R.+Friedrich+Engels,+Ingombota,+Luanda,+Angola&t=m&z=16&vpsrc=0

Rua de Benguela Nº47-A,Bairro Patrice Lumumba, Luanda.,+Luanda,+Angola&hl=pt-PT&ll=-8.812645,13.252773&spn=0.015861,0.027595&sll=-8.813243,13.226803&sspn=0.00793,0.013797&oq=Rua+de+Benguela&hnear=Rua+de+Benguela,+Luanda,+Angola&t=m&z=15